Joint College of Apostles & Bishops Table 12

If I be not an apostle unto others; yet doubtless I am to you: for the seal of mine apostleship are ye in the Lord. 

1 Corn. 9:2 KJV

If any of you aspires to be an overseer in the church; you have set your heart toward a noble ambition, for the work is true!

1 Tim. 3:1 TPT

Establish a proper school and ordination for independent leaders who are called and appointed to the office and gift of leadership in the 21st century.
Our mission is to confer, council, collaborate, and consult with each other for the advancement of God's Kingdom.
We educate men and women of God who have independent churches to be examined upon request and endorsed by their church to serve in the office of Bishop and or Apostle to go through the process and school of becoming consecrated or affirmed.
-Elders, Adjutants, Armorbearers, and staff training and equipping.
-Consecration to the office of Bishop.
-Affirmation to the ministry gift of Apostle. 

Table Schedule 

Once you have been accepted into the college your school will be in February. Its a 3 day school that will involve training and equipping for you and your staff. 


Every September you will be required to attend the Affirmation of Faith Leadership Conference. It's designed to help sharpen leadership skills for you and your staff. 

Consecration or Affirmation

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

Once you have finished your course of training you will be Consecrated or Affirmed that next December of the following year of your school. 


How do I become Consecrated or Affirmed?

You must be recommended by your church, spiritual, covering, or a Table 12 member in order to be considered for Consecration or Affirmation. 

What are some of the requirements? 

You must be vetted by the Board of Apostles and Bishops Table 12. You must pass a background check, submit and application, and a letter of recommendation from those who you are to serve as Bishop or Apostle to. 

How much does it cost?

There is an initial $600 tuition plus books to start school. You will then be required to pay an annual $100 assessment due every January. 

Is there a yearly conference?

Yes! we have an annual Affirmation of Faith Leadership Conference that you must  attend. It's a $50 church registration and $15 lunch registration for a minimum of 5 of your leaders or $75 total. All proceeds are to cover expenses for the conference.
You must also attend all 3 days, 4 services, as the Senior Leader.

Questions about attending the College?

We love to clarify requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.